hues of blue

The Color Blue

Blue is the color of the deep sea and infinite sky. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA c089807e6cbb3dabd1656f7fd2111e2f (2) holiday-at-the-tropical-beach-wallpaper-1920x1200 Blue represents peace, trust, calm, and loyalty. Blue is the color of the fifth Chakra, the throat, which is associated with self-expression, the search for truth, and vivid imagination. 5th chakra light-blue To the Egyptians, blue lapis represented Heaven. Blue lapis Sometimes, blue is the color of melancholy. pablo picasso blue peior 2 Blue is the color most always preferred by men. valentino-f2013-01- da45f2dd94cb830f9a64ddb90425d6a6 Blue is the absolute coolest of colors, and many times it’s as cold as ice. ice-caves-of-the-world1 No one can deny that blue in nature is breathtakingly beautiful... blueberries blue-whale-pictures_3 Blue-eye-eyes-8326071-800-600 blue baterfly The word “blue,” is a favorite lyric in music. Remember “Blue Moon,” “Blue Bird on My Shoulder,” “Blue Monday,” and “Blue on Blue?” People are more productive in blue rooms. Blue NewYork_01 8c6860919a3d5b811bca38456c1a2a27 (2) 6af779f24df91c19567d1ac7ddc040ad beae26460c01f925ad627b36bf4e6238 Blue Arch Blue bedrooms summon peaceful relaxation. Blue-Bedroom-Design-Ideas-with-Queen-Bed-Size And with this last thought we wish you a goodnight! Blue a226f37ff57205715bc65dd609cb78f0 Call Le Barn at 203-253-7286 for more information or to schedule a visit. Subscribe to our blog at: All images posted on this page, unless otherwise noted, were taken from the internet and are assumed to be in the public domain. We try to credit the original source whenever information is available. The omission of copyright information is completely unintentional. The material will be removed or corrected immediately by request of the owner. Blue 9f88169fe8e25bb36b20362f3b7e01f9 light-blue-color-scheme ~Le Barn