Lavender is the palest tint of violet.
The color lavender includes a wide spectrum of light, subtle violet hues.Within the spectrum of lavender, the colors pink, magenta, and purple coexist.Indigo remains a distant cousin to lavender.Lavender is the color that represents femininity, in all of her tranquil grace and elegance.
It inspires creative and intuitive thinking. Lavender is spiritual, reflective, and meditative in nature.The lavender colored quartz crystal, amethyst, is said to have protective qualities over its owner.The scented oil from the herb lavender relieves stress and anxiety, and helps to promote relaxation and sleep.Sophisticated and confident, lavender is not intimidated by other colors and will find a way to compliment any.
And of course, being French by design, we must give an honorable mention to our beloved fields of lavender in the Provincial countryside. All images posted on this page, unless otherwise noted, were borrowed from the Internet and to the best of our knowledge, reside in the public domain. We will always site the source whenever it is available. No images were used for profit or commercial purposes. In the event of an unintentional error, please contact us immediately. The material will be removed at the request of the artist.
~Le Barn